11 Ways to Avoid Common Mistakes In Exams
Tests can make or break a student's career. It is not surprising that many students experience lot of trouble while preparing and appearing for exams. They have to think about value points, grades, percentages, and performance. They also have to think about reading, writing, reasoning and problem-solving skills. In such situations, mistakes happen and there is no point in worrying too much. The students should instead concentrate on avoiding simple mistakes and try and score good grades.
Students should put in efforts and avoid making the following common mistakes in exams -
1. Know The Main Causes Of Mistakes -
The main causes of mistakes are anxiety, nervousness, feeling that you are not intelligent enough, fearing for no reason whatsoever, etc., Mental strength, confidence, and positive attitude have to be acquired to overcome such illogical troubles. Talking to someone will help in calming you down.
Tip: You can also try relaxing and breathing exercises to feel calmness.
2. Always Complete The Test:
You should make sure that the test is completed by answering all the questions. All the answers to required number of questions must be provided before leaving the exam centre. Some of you have the habit of leaving a blank and moving to the next question. This is usually done for difficult questions. Before submitting the answer papers, always check once to ensure no blanks are left. Blank answers do not have any value in terms of marks. You can omit answers or leave out blanks only if there is negative marking and the question is beyond your understanding level.
Tip: You should put a strong check mark next to skipped questions. When you scan later, the eyes quickly focus on this mark and you can avoid this common mistake.
3. Tackle The Answering Pattern:
Sometimes knowing the correct answer is not sufficient. Bubble sheets i.e. OMR and multiple choice questions have to be answered properly. Ticking two answers is incorrect and no marks will be allotted for making this very common mistake. Use finger, pen, or pencil to scan properly to point out the correct answer chosen by you. Then mark it properly in an attentive manner.
Tip: Double check the answers to ensure that you ticked only once for each question.
4. Don't Mess With The Scratch Paper -
Students use rough paper or scratch paper as part of answering process. You do this particularly for formulae, math steps, figures, etc., The solution from this scratch paper has to be transferred to the main answer sheets in an accurate manner. Getting the solution correctly in scratch sheet but noting it down wrongly in answer sheet is a common mistake. This mistake is made mainly because of not paying proper attention or taking it easy because of over-confidence that you got the correct answer.
Tip: Always draw lines around different answers on the scratch paper to delineate so as to avoid confusion while transferring.
5. Always Pace Your Answering Method:
Students have this habit of rushing into answering questions. Once the question paper is put in their hands, they immediately get down to business and start writing. This is done mainly due to anxiety and eagerness. This common and unnecessary mistake has to be avoided. You have to carefully read the entire question paper. Then you begin answering correctly and confidently. Start answering in a slow manner and then pick up speed as you move forward with the exam.
Tip : Remember how athletes behave when they run a race. Start should be right, slow and confident, and only then you pick up pace.
6. Essay Marks Should Be Earned:
Writing long answers and essays has to be done properly. You may understand the question quickly, but do not be prompt in putting pen to paper. You have to think a little, apply creativity, make an outline of the essay in your head or scratch paper, and write using correct rules of grammar.
Tip: You should choose your own writing style while doing practise tests before exams.
7. Don't Be A Hero:
You should not be adventurous and answer the tough and difficult questions at the beginning. This will not help you become a tough person while giving the exam. It can cause more trouble because you may develop low confidence and lose interest in the whole exam itself.
Tip: Play it safe and answer relatively easier questions first.
8. Do Not Make Silly Mistakes:
Exam preparation is very demanding and students make silly mistakes like not reading the required chapters and sections, or even reading from uncovered syllabus. This kind of study wastes time and exam scores will also be very poor.
Tip: Note down the specific chapters before sitting for study to avoid this very silly mistake.
9. Time Awareness Is Mandatory:
Exam preparation should be done with complete time awareness. You can put pressure on yourself while taking practise tests. Try and do your homework or assignments before allotted time. You can try and finish a paper of 50 minutes within 40 to 45 minutes.
Tip: Double check answers for correctness in this type of study to ensure accuracy.
10. Those Extra 5 minutes:
Students have this habit of losing interest while giving exam. This happens more often at the end. You do not feel like putting pen to paper anymore and you want to stop answering. Avoid this and show desire to sit through the exam.
Solution: Make use of the last 5 minutes for double checking the answers for correctness, and fill any left out blanks.
11. Do Not Be Dumb:
Exam anxiety affects even the smartest students. Some of you make really silly mistakes like not putting down the Id number or name on the answering sheet. This is not acceptable and the evaluators will not give any marks and fail the student without even assessing the paper.
Tip : Write down the Id number/ Hall ticket number and name immediately after receiving the question and answer sheets.
Unless you have extraordinary discipline and talent, mistakes will happen. Unexpected situations can lead to strange mistakes and these cannot be helped. But the common mistakes mentioned above can always be avoided or tackled using correct solutions.
All the Best!!
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